Q: Are items microwave and dishwasher safe? Yes, they can go in the microwave and dishwasher. Although, handmade pottery should be treated differently than other kitchen ware. Hand washing is best and recommended to prolong the life of the one of a kind pieces. |
Q. Can orders be canceled? I will accept a cancellation within 24 hours of purchasing. Just send me a message with all your order information, please and thank you. |
Q. Can orders be returned or exchanged? I don't accept returns or exchanges due to the fragile nature of ceramics and can only trust my approach to safely packaging items. Of course contact me if there are problems with your order, I will always do what I can to rectify the issue. |
Q. Are Custom Orders Available? At this time, I am not offering customer orders. I am really sorry! I am a busy mother of two beautiful girls and have a busy full-time job. As much as I love doing pottery, I have limited time and doing custom orders can be very time consuming. |